To the girl whom tears came easily.
Who hid emotions until she could couldn’t anymore.
You struggled so much.
You took on without letting go.
You carried burdens you were never meant to carry.
Days became weeks. Weeks became years.
The emptiness seemed never ending, the weight ever growing.
You pushed through because people said it would end,
but you didn’t know if you could really believe it.
You lived one day at a time
because the future was too far and too much to think about.
Look at how far you’ve come.
Your fears tried to drown you.
Your anxiety tried to hide you.
But you looked for the light.
Oh child of God, your life isn’t easy;
But look at what He has brought you through.
Look where you are.
You are in the day you feared would never come.
The day you were too scared to dream for.
Wishing for better isn’t false hope
Perfection isn’t attainable but peace is.
And one day it will come.