You will never be enough
And I hope you know that’s okay
You will never be smart enough
You will never be prepared enough
You will never say enough
But in each of those times where you fall short there is grace
Each moment we are not prepared is a moment where we can grow and lean on the dependability of God
We will never meet the standards of all we encounter
We will never meet the requirements we wish to fill
In failure we learn to see the support of those around us
In grace we learn how to extend it to others in need
Never enough isn’t a bad thing
It pushes us to grow, to be uncomfortable, to see things in a new light
Never enough pulls us out of our comfort zone and challenges the idea that everything should be perfect
That something like “enough” exists
I hope as you go through life
That when comes a time you are weighed down by the thoughts of yourself and others that you remember
You aren’t enough
You can’t be enough
And that is okay